Parrot Time Magazine
Parrot Time
The Thinking of Speaking
Issue #4 July / August 2013
Book Reviews
Movie Reviews
Languages in Peril
Book Reviews
Movie Reviews
Languages in Peril
The Phaistos Disc
Puzzle of Crete
Perhaps the worlds greatest linguistic puzzle, the Phaistos Disc, found in the basement of an ancient palace, has confused scholars for a century with it's unknown text and purpose, and to this day remains undeciphered.
Otto Jespersen
Progress of Language
Otto Jespersen was a Danish linguist who was not only active in language teaching reform but also instrumental in the creation of the international phonetic alphabet and the work being done on international auxiliary languages.
Stories In The Names Of Places
Every place, from small towns to entire continents, have names, and those names have stories behind them. We look at where some of the world's place names come from in English.
New Souls
A story of breaking through in language listening... and getting a new soul.
Language Learning Methods
The fourth in our series of articles about language learning methods is about one of the newest forms: software.
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The Phaistos Disc
Puzzle of Crete
Perhaps the worlds greatest linguistic puzzle, the Phaistos Disc, found in the basement of an ancient palace, has confused scholars for a century with it's unknown text and purpose, and to this day remains undeciphered.
Otto Jespersen
Progress of Language
Otto Jespersen was a Danish linguist who was not only active in language teaching reform but also instrumental in the creation of the international phonetic alphabet and the work being done on international auxiliary languages.
Stories In The Names Of Places
Every place, from small towns to entire continents, have names, and those names have stories behind them. We look at where some of the world's place names come from in English.
New Souls
A story of breaking through in language listening... and getting a new soul.
Language Learning Methods
The fourth in our series of articles about language learning methods is about one of the newest forms: software.
Letter From The Editor
Linguist or Polyglot
Linguist or Polyglot. People often confuse the two terms. Which one are you?
At the Cinema
Kukushka - The Cuckoo
The end of the war tosses two soldiers from opposite sides together with a native woman. None of them can understand the others' languages, but despite the constant confu...
Every year, Catholics around the world prepare themselves for the religious tradtion of Lent by indulging in a huge party that can last for weeks, called Carnival.
Languages in Peril
The Salish Tragedy
When long isolated native people meet with colonizing Europeans, the results can be devasting to both the people and their language. The First Nations of North America ar...
Word on the Streets
Kannada Writers
The streets of Parleremo are named after famous masters of literature. In this issue, we look at three from Kannada: Srikantaiah, Krishnasastry, Adiga.
Where Are You?
Guess the city and country from the article and picture.
Parleremo YouTube
Posting videos for everyone to see has become part of the online culture, and that includes creating video lessons for langauges. Parleremo YouTube helps collect the best...
The Question Of Practice
An International Language Is Possible
This excerpt from "International Language - Past, Present & Future" by W. J. Clark, 1907, shows us how International Auxiliary Languages were viewed when they were first ...
A New Sicilian Author on the Horizon
Life has a way of taking us on paths we never expected but ended up being somehow right. Bestselling author Mary Ann Vitale tells how her life brought her to writing chil...
The Ethics of Language Teaching
Most of the time, we declare that teaching another is a beneficial action. But what about when that teaching is at the cost of another people's language or culture? Olivi...
The Grind: Why the Faroese Hunt Whales
Whale hunting, called grindadráp, is an important part of the lifestyle of the Faroe Islands. For some, it is also very controversial. We take a look at the discussion f...
Language Creation and Deities
Many people believe in a higher being or a divine force behind what they do. What about languages? Are their "language gods" who have shaped language creation or guide us...
Languages in Peril
Sayonara, Ainu
Indigenous languages and people are often wiped out by an invading force or a competing culture. Such it is with the Ainu people of northern Japan, but they did not give ...
A Language Dream
A guest writer tells us about a language dream he had one night.
Google Translate Section
GlobTech is a new column dealing with new ways of utilizing globalization technology on the internet. In this article, we look at the Google Translate Section function.