Parrot Time Magazine
Parrot Time
The Thinking of Speaking
Issue #31 January / February 2018
Book Reviews
Movie Reviews
Languages in Peril
Book Reviews
Movie Reviews
Languages in Peril
How to Learn Any Language
- Breaking Down the Language Guru Myth
When studying a new language, why do so many people look to a polyglot for help? What qualifies these gurus capable of teaching and why do we ignore so many others?
The Ethics of Language Teaching
Most of the time, we declare that teaching another is a beneficial action. But what about when that teaching is at the cost of another people's language or culture? Olivier Elzingre gives his thoughts on this ethics problem.
Teddy Talks
Language Meetups
As the beginning of a new regular column, Teddy Nee talks about his experience with joining and starting language meetups.
Read PDF online here
How to Learn Any Language
- Breaking Down the Language Guru Myth
When studying a new language, why do so many people look to a polyglot for help? What qualifies these gurus capable of teaching and why do we ignore so many others?
The Ethics of Language Teaching
Most of the time, we declare that teaching another is a beneficial action. But what about when that teaching is at the cost of another people's language or culture? Olivier Elzingre gives his thoughts on this ethics problem.
Teddy Talks
Language Meetups
As the beginning of a new regular column, Teddy Nee talks about his experience with joining and starting language meetups.
Letter From The Editor
Up the Guru Path
What is a possible outcome of learning so many languages? Is it one you want?
News Brief
Get the latest in world language news.
Mark Your Calendar
Find notices of upcoming language events.
In Focus
Mykonos, Greece
See pictures from others' travels here and be inspired to embark on your own journeys.
Proverbs from the World
Proverbs add spice to languages. Tarja Jolma shares some from Latvian here.
Language Puzzles
Join us here every issue for a new language puzzle
Basic Guide to Japanese
Start learning the culture of anime, bonsai, and origami by learning some Japanese with this issues Beginner's Guide.
At A Glance
Quick look at various language websites and resources
Teddy Talks
Can You Speak Bahasa?
Teddy talks about Bahasa language and how it is related to other languages around it.
Who Are You To Learn A Language?
Are you having a problem learning a new language? Do you believe that you just aren't capable of learning one? Guest writer and neurolinguist Jimmy Mello has some advice ...
The Ultimate Fate of Language Learning
While for many people, learning languages is not only a passion but also a possible career, to many more, it is an inconvenience which they would like to remove. If that ...
5 Funny Words In Afrikaans From My Perspective
Guest writer Teddy Nee tells us a little about the Afrikaans language and how some of the words sound to him.
Early Bardic Literature in Ireland
The literature of a country is often founded firmly in the history and even the land of the country itself. In Ireland, the richness of the recorded history acutely mingl...
The Digital Language Collective
While there are so many people competing to be the best in their field, when the goal is to help others learn, sometimes a better alternative is working together. The Dig...
Language Creation and Deities
Many people believe in a higher being or a divine force behind what they do. What about languages? Are their "language gods" who have shaped language creation or guide us...
Linguistics Love Song
In time for Valentine's day is this song to sing to your linguist lover.