Parrot Time Magazine
Parrot Time
The Thinking of Speaking
Issue #21 May / June 2016
Book Reviews
Movie Reviews
Languages in Peril
Book Reviews
Movie Reviews
Languages in Peril
Language and Power: The Hidden Struggle
Between any two people, there is normally some kind of difference in power, usually related to status or position. Olivier Elzingre examines how this plays out through language.
4 Ways To Learn Through Reading
Reading is the most basic skill to achieve in learning a language, but what are the best ways to practise this? Guest writer Teddy Nee shares his advice on maximizing your reading experience.
Language Learning is for everyone!
You can't learn a language without resources. More importantly, you need resources that others have found useful. So how do you find them? Welcome to the Language Learning Library.
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Language and Power: The Hidden Struggle
Between any two people, there is normally some kind of difference in power, usually related to status or position. Olivier Elzingre examines how this plays out through language.
4 Ways To Learn Through Reading
Reading is the most basic skill to achieve in learning a language, but what are the best ways to practise this? Guest writer Teddy Nee shares his advice on maximizing your reading experience.
Language Learning is for everyone!
You can't learn a language without resources. More importantly, you need resources that others have found useful. So how do you find them? Welcome to the Language Learning Library.
Letter From The Editor
A Kind Word
Make sure to take time encouraging and thanking those people around you. It's amazing how much good your words can do.
Languages in Peril
The Decline of Sicilian
It is hard to believe that a languauge with its own island with over 5 million speakers would be endangered. However, Sicilian is exactly that. Despite its rich linguisti...
At the Cinema
The Host
A dysfunctional family, environmental abuse, government control, and a giant river monster are blended into this surprisingly enjoyable horror flick from South Korea.
Where Are You?
Guess the city and country from the article and picture.
Book Look
Italian Short Stories for Beginners
A review of Olly Richards's book "Italian Short Stories for Beginners".
Basic Guide to Hungarian
Hungarian is a Finno-Ugric language of Europe. This basic guide will introduce you to the language.
At A Glance
Quick look at various language websites and resources
Languages in Peril
The Good Language of Brazil
Many of the indigenous languages of the Brazilian Amazon are dying out. Eugênio Brito describes exactly what is happening to one, and what he and others are doing to sav...
Language Learning Methods
The second in our series of articles about language learning methods covers probably the most popular: books.
The Grind: Why the Faroese Hunt Whales
Whale hunting, called grindadráp, is an important part of the lifestyle of the Faroe Islands. For some, it is also very controversial. We take a look at the discussion f...
Words From The Names Of Animals
Greedy as a pig. Stubborn as a mule. Crazy like a fox. People love to use animals to describe particular traits of people. This article talks about some of these in Engli...
Introducing Southeast Asia in Taiwan
When people from several cultures come together, they really need a place to learn about each other. Teddy Nee writes about SEAMi, the first Southeast Asian-themed bookst...
Interesting Facts About Vurës
An Indigenous Language of Vanuatu
Daniel Krauße shares his experience and knowledge of the Austronesian language Vurës, which is spoken on Vanua Lava Island in Vanuatu.
Lasciare Andare –
Learning Italian And The Art Of Letting Go
Some people were born in the wrong country and life finds a way to correct this. Author Melissa Muldoon tells how she has adopted Italy.
Why English Is Different Than Any Other Language
Guest writer Agnieszka Karch relates how she first became interested in other languages and how learning English was different than the others for her.