Parrot Time Magazine
Parrot Time
The Thinking of Speaking
Issue #13 January / February 2015
Book Reviews
Movie Reviews
Languages in Peril
Book Reviews
Movie Reviews
Languages in Peril
Chatting in Languages Online
Part 1: Text Chats
Practising a language with another person is a crucial part in the learning process, and using various text chat methods online can greatly help this. However, there are also some issues that come with these online chats rooms.
Why Do People Learn Languages?
People who study languages beyond just their native one ask many questions regarding which languages are the best or worst to learn. But why do these people actually learn another language?
The Question Of Practice
An International Language Is Possible
This excerpt from "International Language - Past, Present & Future" by W. J. Clark, 1907, shows us how International Auxiliary Languages were viewed when they were first introduced.
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Chatting in Languages Online
Part 1: Text Chats
Practising a language with another person is a crucial part in the learning process, and using various text chat methods online can greatly help this. However, there are also some issues that come with these online chats rooms.
Why Do People Learn Languages?
People who study languages beyond just their native one ask many questions regarding which languages are the best or worst to learn. But why do these people actually learn another language?
The Question Of Practice
An International Language Is Possible
This excerpt from "International Language - Past, Present & Future" by W. J. Clark, 1907, shows us how International Auxiliary Languages were viewed when they were first introduced.
Letter From The Editor
This is the thirteenth issue of Parrot Time, which might have a special meaning for those who are superstitious.
At the Cinema
Chinese Puzzle
Life for Frenchmen Xavier never seems to go easily. Just when he thinks he has his life settled, it gets upturned as his wife moves to America and he follows in this thir...
The Danish have a festival that is similar to Carnival, in which they dress up in costumes and have a big party. But the Danish also include a sweet pastry - and a cat - ...
Words in Your Mouth
Cheese is the most popular dairy product in the world, besides milk. We eat it in, on top, and along side our meals. It tops out pizzas and complements our wine. Now find...
Where Are You?
Guess the city and country from the article and picture.
Book Look
A short review of language related books.
Speaking with Aliens
When we travel beyond this planet in science fiction movies and TV shows, we are bound to meet non-humans, yet we always find a way to communicate. We will look at some o...
How to Learn Any Language
- Breaking Down the Language Guru Myth
When studying a new language, why do so many people look to a polyglot for help? What qualifies these gurus capable of teaching and why do we ignore so many others?
The Indigenous Languages of the UK
Indigenous languages are everywhere and they aren't always obscure. Trisha Dunbar writes about those of the UK and why they need protection.
Easier Way to Learn Languages Fast
There are a few tricks you can use to learn a language easier, as guest author Teddy Lee shows us. It is all in the family.
Language Learning Methods
The second in our series of articles about language learning methods covers probably the most popular: books.
A History of the Language of the Roma
The Roma people, commonly known as Gypsies, have their own language with an interesting history.
Fiverr and Languages:
Finding Translators on the Mini Jobs Network
One person's experience with using Fiverr for small jobs, including translating and proofreading foreign texts.
Polyglot Events All Around The World
You Are Not Alone
Sometimes when we study independently, we can feel isolated in our language pursuits. However, as Jimmy Mello shows us, there are language meetings going on all around th...